Searching for Information

by Sheena Williams You Have A Question. You have a burning desire to get information. Happenstance has caused you to require the answer and by gosh, you are going to get it! Swell, you turn to the library and then you turn to the internet, and your search has yielded...

Creating Your Future

Creating Your Future In creating your future, you need to learn how to choose to be the YOU you want to be! We are not our actions, because we can change our actions and still be ourselves. For the same reason, we are not our thoughts, our opinions, our beliefs or our...

Know What Makes You Great

Know What Makes You Great By Marissa Ermelinda Maldonado Searching for a good job can be time consuming and stressful and many people become discouraged when they go through numerous interviews and still turn up with no job offer in hand. One way to relieve stress is...

Your Local Workforce Center

I know. It’s confusing. You go to your local workforce center and you look around. What do you see? First of all, you see an intimidating building filled with stressed government workers running about, frustrated job searchers staring at computer screens, and a...